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dotted rhythm造句

  • The precise performance of dotted rhythms can be a complex issue.
  • They alternate between a graceful legato and more decisive dotted rhythms.
  • Only the instruments repeat the dotted rhythm of the beginning.
  • The contrasting middle section is agitated, with dotted rhythms.
  • Firstly they are played with even beats, without an implied dotted rhythm.
  • One of its features is a lilting dotted rhythm.
  • The prologue begins with dotted rhythms in the style of a French overture.
  • Historical examples of music performance styles using dotted rhythm include notes in間ales and swing.
  • Bach also suggested the slide could have a dotted rhythm, enhancing its expressiveness.
  • It is a shame so many dotted rhythm figures were allowed to turn to mush.
  • It's difficult to see dotted rhythm in a sentence. 用dotted rhythm造句挺难的
  • The octave melody's dotted rhythms and the continuous accompaniment give an impression of tension.
  • The theme is angular in shape, both in its rising arpeggios and its dotted rhythm.
  • Another theme developed in the B section is a falling line with dotted rhythms ( Theme D ).
  • The dotted rhythms in the slow first part are similar to those Handel used in his operatic overtures.
  • The dotted rhythm in its first bar calls to mind the oboe lament from the beginning of the movement.
  • The number of ideas on how the dotted rhythms were to be done seemed to equal the number of players.
  • The dotted rhythm that marks the opening movement of the Cello Concerto explores every variant and transmutation of its nature.
  • In the development section, these sets are explored melodically, while the dotted rhythm figure gains even more importance.
  • The second theme introduces dotted rhythms and is marked " marcato ", contrasting with the first theme.
  • After the short development using excerpts 2 and 3, dotted rhythm reappears, followed by recapitulation of excerpt 1.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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